

Purpose of Servisnet Telekomünikasyon AŞ, Execute project, product, supplying services and creating infrastructure of communication and IT sector and provide technical support accordance with customer expectations.

  • Custome satisfaction; today and in the future in an effort towards realizing the continuous improvement,
  • Identfy errors, fix and prevent to repeat errors, Fulfill all conditions of Quality Management System,
  • Encourage team work,
  • Enhance communication in-house,
  • Increase and provide contuniuty of Quality of products and services.


Servisnet Telekomünikasyon AŞ control environmental effect during product and service process,

  • Prevent environmental pollution ,
  • Reduce using energy and natural resource,
  • Contribute recycling with waste management,
  • Adapt all law and regulations about environment,
  • Define risks about environment and under control all risks.


Servisnet Telecommunication AŞ, evaluate all complaint and demands with objective criteria and share results with giving importance privacy. Continually improve Complaint Management System provide customer satisfaction.


Servisnet Telekomünikasyon AŞ, admit human as most valuable existence. Servisnet offer Safety and healty workplace to workers.

  • FAll areas in which operate comply NDA regulations and work line international standarts line,
  • Define and evaluate risks about Work Health and Safety, and under control them,
  • Provide NDA training to employees for bring consciousness,
  • Ensure the continuity of the established NDA management system ,
  • The selection of subcontractors and suppliers, ensure to comply with the rules of NDA applied by them.


  • The organisation forms assesment groups for conducting BGYS.
  • Assesment groups are responsible for conducting, inspection and improvement of BGYS.
  • It is a frequent activity and necessity for all partners and employees to participate in risk assesment, selecting controls, conducting controls and constant measurements of the risks.
  • Managment provides all necessary resources for operating and improving BGYS.
  • All employees must take necessary security training for the continuaiton of BGYS.
  • BGYS Assesment group reviews BGYS periodically, every 6 months, and decides what the necessary adaptations are by considering the changes in risks and existing controls continally observe the systems according to the internal investigation plan.
  • High Managment gathers for a YGG meeting once a year.
  • It is necessary to form an investigation group for the BGYS inside the organisation and.
  • All sub policies under BGYS are prepared specifically for each subject. All employees are expected to accept and follow these rules and obey the policy.


All information on this web site are subject to change and update. Please make sure to visit our site for the most recent information. All information on this web site belong to Servisnet or authorized persons. All information on this web site can be used with permission, only for personal use, and not for business purposes. Non of these materials are to be copied or changed without permission.

Any application for other purposes are to be conducted, if approved by Servisnet or an authorized person, based on the conditions in the agreement form. Please be noted that any application or usage of the information on this website without approvement are against copyright laws.


It is based on the deployment of persons who, nationally and internationally have the needed qualifications and advencement potential according to the company’s mission and purposes, Promotes cost consciousness based on the productivity and profitability principles. Prepares and performs training programs for enhancing occupational information and abilities. Ensures that all employees are placed in suitable positions based on their knowledge and abilities, as well as, creates and provides systems which promote productivity and creativity for happy and satisfied employees.

To Apply for a Job:ik@servisnet.com.tr